Historic Information Preparation

Historic information is a cornerstone of most transactions. It is essential that the principals and their advisors can analyse and understand trends and value drivers. Furthermore, the quality of the information also impacts on the perception, and ultimately, the value of the business.

This can be achieved by ensuring that the financial and operational information presented is consistent, robust and reconciles to the financial books and records and operational data within in the business, i.e. one version of the truth. This data pack, or data cube, typically includes both operational and financial data, KPIs and lead indicators.

We can assist you with:

  • Developing a monthly Data Pack which supports the Information Memorandum and diligence requirements which can often be leveraged for regular Board and or Investor reporting
  • Extraction of the P&L, Balance Sheet and operational KPIs from management’s systems into a single data cube
  • Restatement of actual information so that it is presented on a consistent basis and reconciles to reported information,
  • Development of flexible outputs so the data can be reviewed and summarised to short order,
  • Create an update for actuals process so that the Data Pack can be updated on a monthly basis and integrated into the business’ reporting cycle
  • Ability to quickly analyse variance to budgets and prior year, anomalies and trends so that questions on the data can be answered to short order,
  • Identification of exceptional costs and normalisation adjustments and development of a maintainable level of EBITDA on an Last Twelve Months basis.